$BRICK token is a cryptographically secured governance token for Bricks Protocol which is designed to control the core functionalities of the bricks protocol. This token will help the protocol to define governing rules as well as will contribute to bringing decentralization to the platform.

Pillars of Brick Protocol

Education Funders

An organization/ DAO/ Individual who wants to set up an event


The participants of the trading tournaments who want to learn and practice crypto trading before stepping into the actual trading ecosystems

Token holders

Holders of $brick token who define the rules of Brick Protocol

Governance design

$BRICK token governs the protocol and helps it to grow. Governance token holders are incentivized with a part of protocol fees.

Brick holders will have the right to participate in the following activities to ensure maximum decentralization of the protocol:


  1. Participate and create proposals for ecosystem development

  2. Adding new yield earning strategies

  3. Determining the fees charged by protocol

  4. Defining reward percentage for liquidity mining programs

  5. Requesting future integrations for brick protocols


  1. Stake tokens to participate in voting for governance proposals to avoid brute force attacks

  2. Update latest IPFS hash in the smart contract for the NFT of UI layer owned by brick.crypto

Liquidity mining

  1. Users can stake their Brick tokens to earn liquidity rewards

  2. Event participants will be awarded the brick tokens along with rewards they generate from their trading results

  3. Education Funders will be rewarded with brick tokens for some initial years to create events

  4. To promote decentralization, we will incentivize voters with brick tokens to participate in voting

Brick Token Value Accrual

Brick token holders will be incentivized with the protocol fees. The distribution of protocol fees usually charged as stablecoins DAI, USDC, etc. will be:

Fees Pool: 80% of the pool goes to token holders and 20% will be allocated for a protocol development fund to facilitate future integrations and developments.

The growth of Brick Protocol will have a positive correlation with the utility and value of the brick token. Increasing adoption and user base will result in more protocol fees and rewards leading to increased demand for the token. Brick Protocol aims at incentivizing all the pillars of the protocol in order to maximize the participation in the protocol as summarized below:

  1. Education Funders: Appropriate allocation of Education funds will help the organization to create awareness about the ecosystem more comprehensively. A smaller subset of funders will create an event to capitalize on the liquidity mining opportunities.

  2. Users: They will have access to the trading simulator which will serve as the training ground before they enter actual markets. The learning ecosystem will ensure the access of classified knowledge to the users of the platform for a better understanding of the concepts. Along with this, they will be incentivized with yield returns and liquidity mining options rewarded for participating.

  3. Token Holders: As the believer of the ecosystem, token holders will have an incentive to propose and vote for the best proposal. They will ensure balanced fees and equitable core principles to promote all 3 pillars which drive the adoption of the protocol as the value of brick is in positive correlation with the platform’s adoption.

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